Corazones Unidos / Unity of Hearts | March 2 – 9
proteger las tierras | proteger las aguas | protect the lands | protect the waters
Corazones Unidos está llamando a todos los protectores de la Tierra a unirse en Amor para orar y cantar por nuestra Madre Tierra, Abya Yala. Ella nos está llamando a rezar por ella y elevar la vibración de estas tierras para que puedan prosperar nuevamente.
Estamos convocando a una Unidad de Corazones para difundir amor y conciencia sobre la propuesta destrucción de estas playas sagradas de Costa Rica. Unimos nuestras manos en Paz y Amor y oramos por nuestro Sueño Unido. Ven a alzar tu voz con nosotros por la Tierra!
Círculos de tambores al atardecer | Fuego Sagrado | Cámping
Unity of Hearts is Calling All Stewards of this Earth to Unite and come together in Love to Pray and Sing for our Mother Earth, Abya Yala. She is calling Us to Pray for her and Raise the Vibration of these Lands so they to may Thrive again.
We are calling together a Unity of Hearts to spread Love and awareness to the proposed destruction of these Sacred beaches of Costa Rica. We join hands in Peace and Love and Pray for our United Dream. Come raise your voices with us for the Earth in love!
Sunset Drum Circles | Sacred Fire | Camping
Potluck and drum and prayer circles every night nightly starts at 444 Playa Dominical
March 2 – Opening day
School Projects and Games for All Kids – Inner child activation
Coli Azul
March 3
2:22 Men and Women circles –
Playa Infront of Pyramis Hotel
March 6
2:22- Reimagining the Village – Panel Conversation
Evening Set – Silent disco ~ DJ Ananda Bliss
March 8
2-8p Planeta Flow Beach Party | Playa Dominical in front of Coco’s
Alais Clay, Guest DJs, Evening Drum Circle w/ Unity of Hearts/ Circulo de tambores con Corazones Unidos
March 9
2-6p Planeta Flow Block Party | Centro Dominical @ La Junta w/ Alais Clay,
Guest DJs, Evening Drum Circle at Playa dominical after 6pm